Videos tagged with Duke Forum for Law & Social Change

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's fall town hall explored issues related to geopolitical borders--specifically, how U.S. immigration policy affects and is affected by refugee migration. Stuart Anderson of the Cato Institute reviewed the U.S.'s historical "open-borders" policies towards immigration and argued that the modern anti-immigration and anti-refugee policy shift is not based on scientifically-sound facts or data.

    Co-sponsored by the Federalist Society and the Refugee Asylum Support Project (RASP).

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2016 Symposium examined issues related to civil rights and policing.

    Duke Law Professor James E. Coleman Jr. delivered a commentary on affirmative action.

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2016 Symposium examined issues related to civil rights and policing.

    Leah Goodridge, Supervising Attorney of the Housing Project, MFY Legal Services and Helen Strom, independent researcher, gave a presentation titled "Innocent Until Proven Guilty?: Examining the Constitutionality of Subsidized Housing Evictions Based on Criminal Activity."

  • Recently, the use of police force has become a very relevant issue throughout the United States. Technology often comes into play as dash cams, body cams, and bystander videos are able to capture some of the alleged misconduct. What are the legal implications of these videos? Are they admissible as evidence in the court room? How is technology changing the way the law handles these types of cases? The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change and the American Constitution Society present a panel discussion about the use of technology and its implications for law enforcement officers.

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2015 symposium focused on mental health and the law.

    James T.R. Jones - Louis D. Brandeis School of Law Professor

    Speaker 2 of 3

    Lecture titled: Professionals with Mental Illness
    Conference titled: Mental Health and the Law

  • The Duke Forum for Law & Social Change's 2015 symposium focused on mental health and the law.

    Allison Robertson - Assistant Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke

    Speaker 1 of 3

    Lecture titled: Criminal Justice Involvement & Mental Illness
    Conference titled: Mental Health Law

  • The Duke Forum for Law and Social Change's 2015 symposium focused on mental health and the law.

    Jeffrey W. Swanson - Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke

    Speaker 3 of 3

    Lecture titled: Gun Violence and Mental Health
    Conference titled: Mental Health and the Law